Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to know if user have access to a specified DB

Hi !

I'm searching a way to know if a specified user have access to a

specified database. For sure I may look with Enterprise Manager, but

I'm searching a way by looking in System Table, or using StoreProc

Where the Info about user and is Database access are store?

Any idea?

I'm using MSDE


select [name] from sysusers where [name]='userName'|||That tell me that the user exist on SQL but not if the user have access to a specified Database ...
|||Oh ! Sorry you are right !!!

Thanks for the info !! |||

Actually, when I went outside for a walk I realized that this doens't completely answer the question. A user could be aliased. Hang on and I will get you some more information. Sorry about rushing the answer.



I don't use Alias in my project only SQL Account

|||Then you should be good. Good luck, Zakary!|||Thanks body!

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